Building permits – Sept. 4– Sept. 10

Jawad Qattum received a commercial remodel permit for 806 Black Ave. Contractor is Brian Concrete and the project is valued at $14,800.

Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust received a commercial permit for 3401 Freedom Drive. Contractor is Truman Contracting, LLC and the project is valued at $1,377,084.

JJR Properties LLC received a commercial remodel permit for 3 W. Old Capitol Plaza. Contractor is Andrew Sneed and the project is valued at $18,500.

TR PL 13-03847-00 % 4J2R1C Limited Partnership received a commercial remodel permit for 320 W. Washington St. Contractor is O’Shea Builders and the project is valued at $299,513.

Springfield Property Partners LLC % Southern Wine & Spirits of IL received a commercial roofing permit for 4700 Industrial Drive. Contractor is Designed Roofing Systems and the project is valued at $126,526.

JD Rose LLC received a commercial roofing permit for 431 South Grand Ave. W. Contractor is Acosta Angel Construction and the project is valued at $54,855.

Catholic Care Center % Diocesan Property Manager received a commercial roofing permit for 120 S. 11th St. Contractor is Roofing Associates, LLC and the project is valued at $97,172.

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