Aviatori Coffeehouse closes, business for sale

Aviatori Coffeehouse has closed, but fans of the aviation-themed coffee shop will have one last chance to get their favorite drinks and baked goods.

Owner Juliana Turchetti Coppick said Aviatori Coffeehouse, 311 N. Logan Ave., will be open from 7 a.m.-2 p.m. April 8 and 9, the final two days of operation. She’s also still hoping to find someone to purchase the business and reopen it on a permanent basis.

“The business has been profitable for the two years since we opened,” Coppick said. “But with this new job, I’m not able to manage things from the west coast.”

Coppick works as a pilot – hence the aviation theme for the coffee shop – and said she has new employment based on the west coast, which makes it too complicated to operate a business in Springfield.

Blake Pryor, a real estate broker with Coldwell Banker Commercial, is the listing agent for the property. The asking price, which was lowered to $349,000 after the business closed last month, includes all equipment, fixtures and inventory.

Coppick said two potential buyers made “firm proposals,” but things haven’t worked out yet.

She and her ex-husband, Joe Coppick, initially started a business importing coffee beans from the region of Brazil where Juliana Coppick was born and raised. They wholesaled coffee nationwide through an online business, Aviation Coffee, but then decided to take it a step further with a retail location.

In March 2022, the couple purchased the property from the estate of Tony Leone, the proprietor of the Pasfield House who died in 2021. His grandfather originally built the home in 1918, although it had been vacant for several decades before Aviatori Coffeehouse opened in May 2022.

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