Potter Drug is expanding into the Springfield market with a west-side location slated to open this summer.

“It’s a matter of pride for me to bring a family-owned pharmacy back to Springfield,” said owner Tim Gleason. “I see an opportunity for disruption in the market; there hasn’t been an independent pharmacy here for about eight years.”

Potter Drug is headquartered in Petersburg, where it has operated since 1977. Gleason purchased the business in 2015 and opened a second location in Rochester in 2018. Now, a third location is in the works in the newly constructed shopping center at 3251 Ginger Creek Drive.

“We feel like there’s a huge need for the personalized customer service that family-owned pharmacies provide,” Gleason said. “The analytics for this area really support the feasibility. I feel like there’s been a big swing in the overall market with chains not able to staff pharmacies and closing randomly.”

Gleason noted that the remaining independent pharmacies in Springfield were driven out of business by chain pharmacies, which are now closing locations as well. CVS closed its location at 920 North Grand Ave. last fall, while the store at 611 South Grand Ave. closed in 2017. Walgreens also closed a Springfield location last year, shuttering the store at 1310 S. Fifth St.

“One of my main goals is to provide a great place for people to pick up their prescriptions and talk to the pharmacist,” Gleason said. “People will be able to get their prescriptions in five minutes; we’re not going to keep people waiting in the drive-through and keep people waiting on the phone.”

Gleason said he also wants to provide a better environment for the employees. “I want to be a great place to work; I don’t want my employees to be overworked and stressed.”

The interior build-out is currently underway, and Gleason hopes to be ready to open the doors in the next few months. “I’m really excited, this is a great opportunity to expand,” he said.

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